20 Licks Guitar Lesson - Combine Minor and Major Pentatonic Licks Like Eric Clapton and BB King
BB King Style Complete 12 Bar Solo
16 Blues Licks - Improve Your Guitar Playing by CUTTING YOUR FINGER OFF
Jeff Beck Inspired Whammy Style!!! (Beginner)
Jeff Beck Inspired Whammy Style!!! (Intermediate) - Full Solo
Classic Rock Licks in B Dorian - Full Solo
Big Slides Through the Pentatonic Scale
In this lesson, I cover a blues / rock lick in the pentatonic scale, which employs a lot of sliding.
The idea is really simple, but it can be extended to a lot of other licks, and has a really unique sound. The general idea here is that instead of using hammers or pulls to add notes, you use slides. It’s really that simple, but this is not easy to execute in perfect time.
So, practice the sliding parts SLOWLY, and make sure you get the time down just right. If you can do this, you will have some awesome new guitar licks at your disposal, and will improve your timing and feel when sliding on the fretboard.